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Congratulations, you have found The Depths, where a mysterious carbon-based life resides and occasionally produces some random information with random entropy.

OK, so, apparently, you would like to learn more. Here is some information you can refer to.


What is the main language of the site?

Apparently English, I am not 100% sure of which variant1 but English anyways. But do expect some posts in Chinese, feel free to ignore those you cannot read.

What should I expect?

Anything fancy enough to show the public. Contents may not be 100% accurate or objective.

Are there some specific topics?

The Depths will be a place that is more technology-focused.

When will there be any updates?

Like mentioned above, totally random.

Will there be ads?

No. I do not live off this site. Nor do I want to disgust you with ads, which small site owners usually have very limited control over, or enable advertisers to track you to one of the most remote edges of the Internet, namely The Depths.

Or maybe better, use Firefox , so as to make it a little harder for greedy corporations to profile you on the Internet. Also serves as props to open-source initiatives like Mozilla and an elegant middle finger towards advertisers.

What was this site built with?

See the footer, it is mkdocs-material . I personally invite you to give it a star, it’s awesome.

Why did not you use alternatives like Hexo or Jekyll?

It has got complete features for blogging and advanced formatting. Plus, I personally find it ironic that Google2 themselves are no longer doing Material Design right. Heck, even Microsoft’s latest Fluent Design is heavily inspired by Google. Just look at the hamburger menu!

If you miss the good old Material days, visit .

Your site logo is ugly.

This is apparently not a question but thanks for not using worse words anyways.

How do I show support?

Thanks! If any of the contents of the site helped you, you can show your support by starring the GitHub repository behind this site.

Although stars for repositories are free, your time spent starring the repository is not. So thanks again.

My question is not on the list! Will it be answered?

You bet. Since the whole site is hosted on GitHub Pages, feel free to open issues regarding your question, as long as you stay civil and follow the basic rules.

Please bear in mind that there may not be guaranteed replies to your inquiries.

Privacy Policy

In order to comply with regulations, a simple Privacy Policy was put together and posted here.

The TL;DR is that we, the site maintainers do not collect any data from you. Therefore there is no way for us to share or sell your data. Even if we did somehow collect your information, we would not share or sell it anyways.

The Privacy Policy may be updated without prior notifications.

The service provider of this site is GitHub Pages by GitHub, Inc., a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation. You may refer to About GitHub Pages Data collection for more information.

Google Fonts hosted by Google LLC provides fonts delivery for this site. You may refer to Google Fonts Privacy and Data Collection for more information.

Trademark notices

Contents on this website may include trademarks registered in the U.S. and/or other countries and regions. For referral purposes only, as they remain sole properties of their respective owners.

  1. Definitely not British, you will NOT see words like "programme" and "aluminium" here. 

  2. Google, Inc. used to be my favorite company, but never for Google LLC.